I’m pat


Fly-tier extraordinaire.

I’m a local here in Bend with over 40 years of flyfishing experience and enough hand-tied flies to keep people fishing in Bend for the next couple months. I want to bring my experience to you so you can enjoy the river as much as I do.

Why I Fly Fish

I have been fly fishing for 40 years now, but what is not commonly understood is that there is so much more to it than merely fishing. The experience of fly fishing encompasses the thrill of a catch while also being submersed in the active rhythms of nature, causing you to both interact with and yet submit to the forces around you. I find deep joy in being outdoors and having a front row seat to the cycle of life that unfolds before my eyes. This cycle happens everyday, whether I’m out there or not; creation is so wonderfully self-sustaining. What a privilege it is to witness it, let alone become an active participant with each and every cast.

One of the most magical experiences is to silently watch as the bugs ascend to the surface of the water from their muddy homes below, transforming into winged insects. Suddenly, swallows and nighthawks appear out of nowhere and you realize you are never alone in nature. They glide along the water, picking off bugs as they struggle into the air. Under the surface, fish are sucking in the bugs, feasting on those that struggle to free themselves from their nymphal shucks. Watching a hatch might last 10 minutes or maybe up to two hours. But when it’s over, it’s over. The birds disappear and the fish sink back down. And you wonder at what you just witnessed.

You are always learning as a fly fisherman. You observe and study and experiment to discover which fly the fish will bite. You always hope you have the right fly, and if not, you are motivated to try something different the next time, to have another chance. There is nothing like the thrill of watching a trout rise to take a dry fly! Or the adrenaline rush of your bobber suddenly diving below the surface! Success is more than just the catch — it’s the realization that you’ve joined the performance for a brief moment, that nature has welcomed you into its dance.

That is why I fly fish. Fish on!


Fly-fishing is a magic way to recapture the rapture of solitude without the pangs of loneliness.

- John D. Voelker


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  • 707-349-7496

  • Patnkathy2008@gmail.com

Local Fly-fisherman’s Guidebook