Pat’s Flies
The Latest: fish related thoughts
The most productive winter flies
These are my most productive winter flies on Fall River. Some are from fellow fishermen, some from guides. The PEACH EGG is magic. The last time above the fish ladder, 10 out of 10 fish were caught on this egg.
Its time to fill your fly Box!
I am holding a Garage Sale April 15th, 9 - 5! I have well over 1000 quality flies I’ve tied. I am selling them at much less than the fly shops. They will be selling at half price (or more) off. The prices range from $.75 to $1.50. I have chironomids, nymphs, dries, streamers, leeches, tungsten beaded balanced leaches and tungsten beaded Eggstacy Eggs. I also have my 5 favorite flies for East Lake, Crane Prairie and Fall River. You cannot beat this deal!
Improvement on Magnetic Boxes
Winter fishing at Fall River in the Cascade Lakes has caused me to need to use smaller and smaller flies, emergers and dries. These all used to be clumped up in my magnetic boxes and I couldn’t tell what I had. So, I put them on foam and fit them into the box. Much easier to handle and know what I have on the water.
Eggstacy Eggs
These are Eggstacy Eggs. Fish can’t resist them. The eggs are made with a new material that I just discovered. Under an indicator, the fish will fight each other for it.. If you’re not using Eggstacy Eggs, then you’re not catching as many fish as you could. I am selling these in my Shop for $2.25 each.
Crane Prairie
Of the 15 or so boats that were fishing the Quinn River/Cultus areas, I saw 2 boats catching fish. Both were using small (14) red chironomids. My one fish was on a red chironomid. Two other bobber’s down on black leaches, but overall Crane Prairie beat us up yesterday.
Bulk Up Your Fly Box!
Grab Bags! My obsession is your gain! I am selling 20 flies at 15 dollars. Fly shops normally sell them for about $3 each, but in these grab bags they work out to about 75 cents each. I have about a thousand flies in Grab Bags ready to go. You won’t be disappointed. Purchase them in my shop or send me a text. Specify which Grab Bag you want: assorted flies, leeches, nymphs and dry flies.
To Grill or not to grill
Crane Prairie is still pretty slow. On my last trip, Mark and I caught a total of 2 17-18” Rainbows and one Kokanee. I had heard from many people how tasty these Kokanee are. I decided to keep this one.
Haystack Reservoir
Every year on October 30th most of the Cascade Lakes close. I use to winterize my boat and haul it out to Sundance Meadows, where it would sit from November to April. I would spend a lot of time on Fall River satisfying my need to fish.
One Reason I Tie Flies
Fall River is so clear. I can watch a trout rise from the bottom to attack my fly. I see them coming, straight up, and at the last second turn away. Why?
The Davy Knot
I’ve been tying my fly on my tippet using the Improved Cinch Knot for over 50 years. My dad showed it to me when we were fishing the Klamath River, just as it comes into California. Our annual trip was Memorial Day Weekend, the weekend the Salmon Flies and the Stone Flies hatched on the river, down Topsy Grade.
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